
TMPER provides temporary file sharing using simple 3 digit codes (46656 unique).
Each file can have a max number of downloads, file lifetime, and password
associated with it, defaults are 1 download, 3 days, and no password. Max
upload size of 128M.

You can upload and download from the web. After uploading to the main site, you
will be given a 3 digit code which you may share. A particular code may then be
downloaded by visiting<code>.

To upload and download from command line, we recommend using tmper as well. This
can be done by the short commands u, d (see `tmper --help` for details).

    pip install tmper
    tmper u /path/to/some/file     # upload file and get 3 digit code
    tmper d <code>                 # download the code

You can also start a server of your own using:

    tmper s --port=<port>

API endpoints

    /               -- landing site with upload
    /help           -- this information
    /CODE?ARGS      -- get a file given by CODE

    ARGS (optional) :
        key - password associated with the file
        v - view contents on website rather than raw download

    Examples :

    /?ARGS          -- upload a file and receive a name
    /CODE?ARGS      -- upload file to a particular name

    ARGS (optional) :
        time -- set the lifetime, for each "3 days", "5 mins"
        key  -- set a password for a particular file
        n    -- set number of times a file can be downloaded

    Example :
        curl -XPOST -F file=@filename

# function for .bashrc to simplify upload
function tmper() { curl -X POST -F file=@"$$1" }

Privacy and terms (ish)

In simple terms, we guarantee nothing about your interaction with this site and
are not liable for anything that may happen to you, your belongings,
intellectual property, etc due to your use of it. We will attempt to make your
files available to others under the constraints which you ask (lifetime, number
of downloads permitted, password protection) but again cannot make any

We record statistics about your visit including time, file type, and file size
of each upload. However, when a file has expired (from time or download count)
we delete both the file and all other metadata associated with it. We use
cookies (client side reading only) to keep track of your preferences so that
you don't have to fiddle with the interface every visit. We track your visit
with server logs, which are purged periodically. We may look at these logs to
ensure the health of the site in a hostile internet environment.  These
statements may be checked by viewing the source code, which is available under
the MIT license -- this code is directly run on a VPS for convenience to users.